Meet Janice

Animal Communicator

Meet Janice

Animal Communicator

Whether your pet is here or across the rainbow bridge, I can communicate with them.

Hello! Welcome!
I’m happy you’re here. I’m Janice Kutkus, but you can call me Janice,  or as one of my sister’s dogs likes to call me, “Auntie Weirdo”.
I have loved animals since as far back as I can remember. When I was in kindergarten my parents got my siblings and me a dog. I named him Meatball. Sadly, he wasn’t a good fit for young parents with three kids under 5 years old. The day he left for a new home was devastating to me. That’s when my pursuit of anything animal related really took off. My goal was to be a veterinarian.
Fast forward through life changes to the present, while my goal of becoming a veterinarian didn’t manifest, my animal-related “super power” did.

I discovered I had the psychic ability to have conversations with animals and relay their messages to humans. Just like a psychic medium who can commuicate with loved ones in Spirit, I chat not only with wild and domesticated animals but also animals who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. You could say I’m helping to bridge the gap in communication between animals and humans, which is a beautiful thing. Animals are amazing souls, and it really is an honor for me to talk with them. It is very humbling for me to assist a pet guardian and their pet to be able to be on the same page with understanding. On occasion I’ve also connected with humans who have transitioned and their families as well. There is humor, sadness, grief, all the feelings that come with connections. But wow, it’s just such a blessing for me to be a part of!